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I have just purchased my third container of WeedX concentrate. As an organic gardener, I have found WeedX so helpful for those pesky weeds which pop up in between the cracks in the concrete, grass which grows in front of a row of bamboo, and weeds which come through my bark areas. I like the concentrate as I can mix it up to the strength suitable for the weeds being sprayed and it goes a long way. I spray generously, and for some of the more difficult weeds, like dock, I often do a second spray a day or two after the first. A sunny dry day helps too. I was surprised how well it deals with a large variety of weeds, and of course the main selling point for me is the organic status and that it does not harm pets and is non residual. So many thanks Goulter’s, I am spreading the word to all my fellow gardeners and hope councils might get on board to provide a safer environment for both people, and pets.

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